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Multiple measures to promote intelligent manufacturing run out of "acceleration"

Release time:2023-09-19 10:29:04

  Multiple measures to promote intelligent manufacturing run out of "acceleration"



Intelligent manufacturing is a major trend in the development of global manufacturing industry. In order to consolidate its position in the global manufacturing industry and seize the opportunities for the development of manufacturing industry, major developed countries have actively developed intelligent manufacturing and introduced strategic plans related to intelligent manufacturing, such as Germany's launch of Industry 4.0 and the United States' active layout of the industrial Internet.


At present, the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing in China, industrial robots account for about one-third of the global market share, has become the world's largest application market, but there are still shortcomings in many areas, can learn from foreign useful experience, a number of measures to promote intelligent manufacturing run out of the "acceleration".


First, do a good job of top-level design. Intelligent manufacturing is the main direction of promoting the strategy of manufacturing power, and in the future, we should further do a good job of top-level design, constantly strengthen strategic guidance, and adjust and improve relevant policies according to the development and change of the situation.


Second, we will improve supporting measures. Increase financial support, attach importance to the connection between credit policies and industrial policies, strengthen the introduction and training of intelligent manufacturing talents, and encourage enterprises to introduce high-end equipment and technology professionals.


Third, strengthen international cooperation. Implement a higher level of opening up, encourage enterprises to "go out" to set up research and development centers, encourage multinational enterprises to set up intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories in China, and promote the construction of intelligent manufacturing industrial parks.


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